We compute the gravitational form factors (GFFs) and study their applications for the description of the mechanical properties such as the pressure, shear force distributions, and the mechanical radius of the proton from its light-front wave functions (LFWFs) based on basis light-front quantization (BLFQ). The LFWFs of the proton are given by the lowest eigenvector of a light-front effective Hamiltonian that incorporates a three-dimensional confining potential and a one-gluon exchange interaction with fixed coupling between the constituent quarks solved in the valence Fock sector. We find acceptable agreement between our BLFQ computations and the lattice QCD for the GFFs. Our DD-term form factor also agrees well with the extracted data from the deeply virtual Compton scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab, and the results of different phenomenological models. The distributions of pressures and shear forces are similar to those from different models.
2024-07-03 21:00:00 (Beijing, Shanghai)
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