Strong magnetic fields have a profound impact on the behavior of hot plasma, resulting in distinct correlations among charged particles in observed data. However, the corresponding theoretical prediction is complicated by a large uncertainty in the magnetic field. This presentation will delve into recent progress in deriving closed-form expressions for the one-loop photon polarization and photon emissions from hot magnetized plasma. Furthermore, we will discuss strategies derived from our theoretical insights that can assist in measuring magnetic fields in real-world physics applications, including heavy ion collisions.
About the speaker: Dr. Xinyang Wang earned his Ph.D. in Theoretical High Energy Physics from Arizona State University in 2013. Following his doctoral studies, he served as a postdoctoral researcher at UCLA and IHEP from 2015 to 2018. In 2018, he joined Jiangsu University as an associate professor, where he worked until 2024. Since 2024, Dr. Wang has been appointed as a professor at Anhui University of Science & Technology. His research focus centers on the study of relativistic matter under extreme conditions.
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