LFQCD Seminar

Solving Bethe--Salpeter equations for the structure of pions, kaons, rho mesons, and for quark-photon vertices in the Euclidean space

by Dr Shaoyang Jia (Argonne, PHY)


Within the rainbow-ladder truncation, we solve for the structure of pions, kaons, and rho mesons from the homogeneous Bethe--Salpeter equation (BSE). Particularly we first apply the Maris--Tandy modeling of the quark-gluon interaction in order to find propagators of light and strange quarks with complex-valued momenta from their Schwinger--Dyson equation. The BSE is subsequently converted into a matrix eigenvalue problem after choosing a discretized grid of momentum variables in the Euclidean space. Knowing the Bethe--Salpeter amplitudes of pions and kaons with nonzero spatial momenta, their electromagnetic form factors are computed from the impulse-approximation expression, where quark-photon vertices are obtained from the inhomogeneous BSE.



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