LFQCD Seminar

Subleading twist transverse structures of protons with basis light-front quantization

by Zhimin Zhu (Institute of Modern Physics)




Within the basis light-front quantization framework, we investigate the subleading twist (twist-3) transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs) of protons beyond the Wandzura-Wilczek (WW) approximation. The subleading twist TMDs are not independent and can be decomposed into twist-2 and genuine twist-3 terms from the equations of motion (EOM). The latter are quark-quark-gluon correlations and contain interference terms between two light-front Fock sectors, |qqq⟩ and |qqqg⟩, which are usually omitted in the WW approximation. We compute the TMDs by employing light-front wave functions of protons obtained by diagonalizing the light-front QCD Hamiltonian. We obtain the twist-3 parton distribution functions (PDFs) and show that they preserve the sum rule. In addition, we employ the twist-2 and twist-3 PDFs to compute the mass decomposition under Ji’s framework. Our results show that the twist-3 TMDs and PDFs exhibit magnitudes an order of magnitude larger than the twist-2 TMDs and PDFs at the initial energy scale, which suggests the potential emergence of high-twist effects in future EicC experiments.

Meeting ID: 91475831365 (Zoom)
Password: 938648

Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/91475831365?pwd=ekFVRVVMcDg3KzFkL1BGdVZlalBqdz09