LFQCD Seminar

Few-body relativistic light-front wave functions: Applications to deuteron, $^3$He, nucleon, $^4$He

by Prof. V.A. Karmanov (Lebedev Inst.)


An approach to finding the wave functions of a few-fermion systems at relativistic relative momenta is presented. It is based on explicitly covariant version of the light-front dynamics. The approach is illustrated by example of the deuteron relativistic wave function, found long ago and very successfully used to predicting the deuteron electromagnetic form factors at large momentum transfer.  The emphasis is done on practical finding the bound state wave functions of systems of three or more relativistic fermions: $^3$He (in progress), nucleon and $^4$He (to be done), etc.



Zoom ID: 81398128057


Meeting link



Download link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/download/plwtptwqD3FNc8MX9UfxQ9WwiR2kV04WkrALbdFEgggcIthGrNLvM_Y6eWUl6m4dia8RJGeERc9ZaM1W.cOZC1N_u5W6_eHf3

PW: 9yh.an&w