LFQCD Seminar

Non-perturbative contributions to the nucleon sea

by Mr Yihan Duan (University of Science and Technology of China)




We investigate the non-perturbative sea of the nucleon in the context of a scalar version of the pion cloud model. The non-perturbative calculation is performed within the light-front Hamiltonian approach with a Fock sector dependent renormalization scheme in which the non-perturbative renormalization is incorporated. We compute the flavor asymmetry in the nucleon sea and compare our results with the NuSea and SeaQuest data. Our results show significant multi-sea-quark contributions in the nucleon. The calculation also suggests that a fully non-perturbative calculation of the chiral EFT is needed to obtain a robust result to be compared with the recent experimental measurement of the flavor asymmetry in the nucleon.

Reference: arXiv:2404.07755 [hep-ph]

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